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Locking w/ Shyguy

12/23/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
City Dance SF
10 Colton St
San Francisco, CA 94103

Locking class with Shyguy (DS Players/Knuckle Neck Tribe) at City Dance SF, every Monday at 8pm-9pm. Open to all levels.

Learn basic foundation, variations, musicality exercises, freestyle concepts, routines, and more.

John “Shyguy” Magat is an Oakland-based locker, active and contributing to the culture since 2004. As a member of Knuckle Neck Tribe, Soul Sector, and DS Players, he has performed, taught, and competed with dancers from all over the world. He’s judged various locking and all style battles throughout the US and won in competitions such as Body Rock, HHI Locking, and USA R16 Locking.


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Recommend (5 = highly recommended)
Rating: 4.3/5 (2 votes cast)


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